

Most schools have already incorporated a School Management System to ease and perform their various tasks. The school management system reduces the functions of Administrators, teachers, staff, and others by providing a platform for them to monitor activities, generate reports, upload documents, and much more. If you are still searching for reasons why you need shuleyetu.com, then look no further than the list below. If you already have one, then you should already be enjoying the following benefits:

We’re working to solve day-to-day communication, operational, learning, and management issues through very organized and effective solutions by providing many of the important features of School Management systems which bring a lot of convenience and efficiency. Our School management software system` adds value not only to the teachers or school management. But also to the parents and nonteaching employees of the school.


What our clients say about us

Johnbosco P Academic Teacher, Bondeni Sec

Shule Yetu is the best move towards a digital school. The initial installation is fast and easy. It is safe and reliable and above all it is cost friendly

Pauli Meru Headmaster, Kilomo Sec

Excellent Program to automate and manage data in our school, as well as easily organized for teacher and parents

JKB Secondary School Headmaster

We have Been with Shule Yetu.com since 2022, its been a great working with, and wonderful experience

ET Valley Academic Teacher

It has made schooling so convenient for our staff, teachers, parents and students.

Judith G Academic Teacher

ShuleYetu has been an integral part of our institute. All our data and records are on, which means it is all at one place, so useful in pulling reports.

Trusted by the Best Schools


Shuleyetu.com is a digital education Platform based on technology and innovative digital teaching-learning experiences to equip teachers and students with the skills needed for the digital era

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