Now you can easly manage all your school operation digitally, from preparing exams, results, manage students attendance, transport, accounting to online classes with ShuleYetu digital school management system

Digital School Manager

We’re working to solve day-to-day communication, operational, learning, and management issues of your school.  Our School management software system adds value not only to the teachers or school management but also to the parents and nonteaching staff of the school.

What Benefits your school will benefit from ShuleYetu.com

Admission Management

Track admission enquiries, manage admission details digitally, customize admission forms & verify documents digitally.

Attendance Management

Easily mark the attendance & create an error-free timetable. Do classroom allocation, and subject allocation to teachers.

Fees Management

Automatic fee collection calculates tax on the types of fee transactions. Imply fine on late fees, add instant discounts, and monitor fee defaulters.

Shuleyetu features

Transport System

Maintain vehicle information such as routing and stops, student allotment, fees details, fuel expense, repair info, license renewal, pollution check certification, and more.

Bulk Data Management

Record detailed information about any data and data backup facility as well as easily customize the fields and add information on any records.

Timetable Management

Admin can allocate a substitute teacher to the class in case the teacher is absent, automatic timetable management system promotes a paperless environment and simplifies the payroll calculation for admins.

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